I have made the trip from the Bay Area to the Pacific Northwest more times than I can count and it's always been the same: hit the road early, stop at the Olive Pit (a family favorite) and drive all the way to Seattle in one long stretch.
This year I changed things up and stopped to meet a good friend in Camas, a town dubbed "Best Place to Live" by some and a well-kept secret that's not so secret when you see all the development buzzing around. Either way, my experience hit all the high notes: awe-inspiring hike, food combined with truly local, fresh ingredients and soul-filling relaxation due to the mellow vibe that's all Pacific Northwest. It's like a spa at it's best: expansive, nurturing and sporty...but without the barrier of entry fees (except for the state parks).
A few notables if you venture to Camas with friends or family:
Beacon Rock Trail. Stunning and a must-see. About an hour, steep in some places.
Thunder Island Brewing Co. You can sit by the Columbia River and nosh on fine fare.
360 Kitchen & Bar A pleasant surprise with gourmet-chef worthy dining.
Burgerville. 518 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607. Seasonal menu addition: Walla Walla onion rings. Wow.

Every once in a while a detour becomes a huge blessing and in my case, a pretty mind-blowing one at that. It's time to move on but the view from Beacon Rock is indelibly etched into my memory and a "greatest hit" from the Summer Road trip of 2016.

A view of Lake Shasta from the car (not driving, of course!)
Originally posted on 7/6/16